7 of the Best Drinks for Your Kidneys

The kidneys have an important job. They filter the blood and maintain a healthy balance of water in the body. So you may be wondering what are the best drinks to keep them running smoothly. In addition to water, there are certain drinks that may help keep kidneys healthy. While more research is needed for almost all of them, below we explore what studies say about the drinks that may support kidney health (and help prevent kidney stones).
What are the best drinks to cleanse the kidneys?...Read Full Article >>➤

Cranberry juice: Cranberry juice contains antioxidants. These are ingredients that help decrease inflammation in the body. And the ones in cranberry juice may also help decrease the chances of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI). Researchers believe this is because it prevents bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract. Many times, UTIs won’t affect the kidneys. But sometimes the infection can travel up the urinary tract and into the kidneys. This is a condition called pyelonephritis. Scientists think cranberry juice can help prevent pyelonephritis by interfering with bacteria sticking to the kidney walls, too.

Cranberry juice that’s unsweetened or low in sugar are the best options. Too much sugar can increase blood sugar and blood pressure, both of which can be harmful to your kidneys.

It’s also important to note that cranberry juice may affect someone’s risk for kidney stones. One small study showed that it increased the risk of calcium oxalate and uric acid stones but decreased the risk of burshite stones. We cover drinks for kidney stones in more detail below.
Carrot juice

Research shows that drinking 2 glasses (16 ounces) a day of carrot juice has antioxidant effects. Even though research hasn’t looked at the effects of carrot juice on kidneys in people, there are some interesting results from animal studies.

In a study of rats, carrot root helped protect their kidneys when given at the same time as a medicine that can damage the kidneys. And another study in rats showed that carrot root prevented kidney damage.
Beet juice

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Beet juice also has antioxidant properties that are good for your overall health. Like carrot juice, studies on the effects of beet juice on kidneys have been done in rats.

In one study, researchers exposed rats to a chemical that causes harm to the kidneys. They noticed that the rats who were also given beetroot juice were better protected from kidney damage compared with the rats who didn’t receive beetroot juice.

There’s also some evidence that beet juice may help lower blood pressure. And since high blood pressure can be hard on the kidneys, this may be another way that beet juice is good for your kidneys.

But it’s important to note that beet juice is high in oxalate, a natural compound that can increase the risk for certain types of kidney stones. So, you may want to avoid beet juice if you have a history of developing calcium oxalate kidney stones. Otherwise, sticking with 1 glass (8 ounces) a day is likely to cause no harm.

Beet juice can also turn your pee and poop red for up to 2 days after drinking it — so don’t be alarmed if you notice this change

Tea is a popular beverage that many people turn to for its possible health benefits. A range of studies have looked at whether drinking tea plays a role in kidney health — and the findings are mixed. Some studies show that drinking 2 to 4 cups of any type of tea (green, black, or oolong) — especially with milk — protects kidneys. But others don’t show any benefits.

In general, green tea contains catechins, antioxidants that help decrease inflammation in the body, which may be good for your kidneys. And research shows that light to moderate consumption (2 to 4 cups daily) of black tea with milk but no sweetener may keep kidneys healthy.
What are the best drinks for kidney stones?

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Certain fruit juices may decrease the formation of calcium oxalate stones (the most common kind of kidney stones). This is because they contain citrate, which can decrease the acid content of urine and prevent stone formation. But most of the research on this topic is very limited.
Apple juice

Apple juice may be able to decrease the chances of developing calcium oxalate kidney stones.

Researchers collected urine samples from nine healthy women after they drank about 2 to 4 cups of apple juice for 5 days. They tested the urine and found that it was less likely to develop kidney stones.

But it’s important to note that this was a very small study. So until there’s more research, it may not be worth drinking apple juice just to prevent kidney stones.
Orange juice

Like apple juice, drinking 3 cups (24 ounces) of orange juice daily has also been shown to decrease the chances of developing calcium oxalate kidney stones. The effect was seen in healthy people, and in people who have a history of forming kidney stones.

But another study found that this only applied to a rarer kind of kidney stone called a brushite stone. It instead showed that orange juice made no difference in preventing calcium oxalate stones.
Lemon juice

Lemon juice is also high in citrate, which can help prevent the development of calcium oxalate kidney stones. One study showed that drinking 2 ounces of lemon juice twice a day prevented kidney stones from coming back in people who previously had them.

But like many of the other drinks here, additional research is needed to fully understand if drinking lemon juice regularly may help prevent the development of kidney stones.
Does coffee or tea cause kidney stones?

Drinking coffee and certain types of tea doesn’t increase a person’s risk of kidney stones. And in some cases, it might decrease a person’s risk.
Green and black tea

Low to moderate amounts of green tea daily may decrease a person’s chances of developing kidney stones, especially if they have a history of kidney stones. A small study done in healthy men showed that drinking 6 cups of black tea daily for 5 days didn’t lead to an increased risk of kidney stones.

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Coffee, especially caffeinated coffee, actually decreases the risk of kidney stones. Researchers have found that when people drink 1 cup of caffeinated coffee daily or 1 to 1.5 cups of decaffeinated coffee, they’re less likely to develop kidney stones.
How much water should you drink?

When it comes to drinks, water is one of the best ways to protect the kidneys. The amount you need from day to day is different for everyone. But there are some general guidelines that can provide a rough estimate. The average healthy person — who isn’t overly active or in extreme temperatures — drinks about:

3.7 L (around 15 cups or 125 oz) for men

2.7 L (around 11 cups or 88 oz) for women

But these numbers can change based on a person’s situation. For example, if you’re exercising or walking on a hot day, you’ll likely need more water to replenish the amount you lose from sweating.

A good way to know if you’re well hydrated is to keep track of how frequently you’re peeing, and the color of your pee. When you’re hydrated, you’ll likely feel the urge to pee at least every 3 to 4 hours. And your urine should be a clear, light yellow color.

When you’re dehydrated, you’ll probably be able to go for several hours without feeling like you need to pee. And your urine will be dark yellow or amber in color.

Other common symptoms of mild dehydration include:

Dry tongue or mouth

Feeling thirsty


Feeling tired

Dry skin


Muscle weakness

Trouble paying attention


And if your urine remains a dark color, especially after hydrating, it’s best to see your healthcare professional. ...Read Full Article >>➤

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