Boko Haram Fighters Misled with Paradise Promise if Killed by Soldiers – Chief of Defence Staff Reveals

The Chief of Defense Staff, General Christopher Musa, has emphasized the need to address the root causes of Boko Haram’s influence. He stated that local. governments and governors need to function effectively by providing essential infrastructure, education, and access to food. He explained that tackling illiteracy is crucial since it plays a significant role in the problem....Read Full Article >>➤

In a video recently shared by Arise TV from 22:58, General Musa revealed that some members of Boko Haram are manipulated with false beliefs. He said they are told that being kìlled by a soldier guarantees them a place in paradise, while kìlling a soldier earns them blessings.

He clarified that these ideas are not based on any religion, whether Islamic or Christian, but are the work of people using evil tactics to exploit vulnerable individuals.

In General Musa’s words: “Some of them are being told that ‘if a soldier kìlls you, you are going to paradise and if you kìll a soldier you have blessing’. So you see those wacked

ideas which is not religious, it is not Islamic, it is not Christian. Evil people have taken advantage of them” ...Read Full Article >>➤

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