Engaging in sexual activity 21 times a month with either one’s wife or a partner on the side may help prevent prostate cancer in men. - SPAZR
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Engaging in sexual activity 21 times a month with either one’s wife or a partner on the side may help prevent prostate cancer in men.



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7 Side-Effects of Drinking Too Much Water



Severe overhydration can lead to confusion, disorientation, and cognitive impairment and may lead to hyponatremia, where the brain cells swell due to the dilution of sodium...Read More


Drinking too much water can lead to a state of overhydration, causing fatigue and weakness due to the imbalance in electrolytes, which are essential for energy production and muscle function.


Excessive water intake can overwhelm the body’s ability to manage the fluid, leading to nausea and vomiting, and can further disrupt the body’s electrolyte balance.


Overhydration can lead to headaches, similar to those caused by dehydration, and is due to the swelling of brain cells from the imbalance of sodium levels in the blood.

Frequent Urination

Excessive water consumption leads to frequent urination. This can be inconvenient disrupt daily activities and disturb the sleep cycle.

Kidney Overload

Drinking too much water can put excessive pressure on the kidneys, which are responsible for filtering and excreting excess fluids, and can lead to reduced kidney function and, in extreme cases, kidney failure.


Consuming excessive amounts of water can dilute the sodium levels in the blood, leading to hyponatremia and results in cell swelling, which can cause symptoms like nausea, headache, confusion, and in severe cases, seizures or coma ...Read More

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9 Most Common Bad Habits That Can Reduce Your Life Span



Everyone wants to live a long and fulfilling life without suffering from the numerous life-threatening illnesses that are currently on the rise. Every day, we see and hear about people from all over the world who are suffering from one or more diseases. While laying ill in a hospital bed, some of them get to spend a lot of time and money on their recovery....Read More

According to Healthline, a person who wants to live a long life should avoid some very bad habits, just like there are certain foods to stay away from. In this article, I’ll go over eight behaviors that have been linked to shorter lifespans. They are listed below:
1. Habit of not exercising.

Everyone, especially those over the age of 30, should put exercise first and foremost because it is so beneficial.
2. Not getting enough water in your system.

The best food or liquid that anyone has ever consumed is water. At least 7 tall glasses of water should be consumed each day by every adult over the age of 30.
3. Smoking.

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Quit smoking if you haven’t already. Once you reach the age of 30, kindly stop smoking. Everyone should be aware that smoking is extremely bad for one’s health and reduces lifespan.
4. Habit of Skipping Sleep.

Some adults would rather watch movies, play video games, or text than sleep at night. A typical person needs to sleep for at least eight hours each day. It has a hugely positive impact on the body’s metabolism.
5. Obsessing over your problems or overthinking.

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Stop thinking about your problems all the time, no matter what you are going through in life. It contributes significantly to the emergence of heart-related conditions like high blood pressure.
6. Drinking alcohol.

Give up routine drinking immediately because it can lead to deadly consequences. Like smoking, alcohol is very bad for everyone, but it’s especially bad for people over 30.
7. Consuming too much processed or junk food.

Most people can’t survive without processed or junk food. In actuality, they consume more processed foods like noodles and biscuits than whole foods like beans and rice.
8. Consuming sodas or minerals continuously.

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The majority of people cannot go even one meal without consuming minerals or soft drinks. This is really bad, and those drinks are loaded with sugar, which can cause diabetes, kidney failure, and other issues.
9. Not eating fruits and vegetables.

Avoiding fruits and vegetables is actually a very bad habit. Fruits and vegetables should be prioritized as daily meals for anyone over the age of 30.

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5 Warning Signs You’re Taking Too Much Carbohydrates



Do you realize that your body can become unhealthy from consuming too many carbohydrates? Sugar and insulin levels are also high in foods high in carbohydrates. They might lead to both immediate and long-term problems. Although the body benefits from carbohydrates, they should never be consumed in excess for personal gain....Read More

According to Healthline, eating everything in moderation is essential for good health. In this article, we’ll look at some signs that you’re eating too many carbohydrates and talk about how to limit your intake to stay healthy. They are listed below:
1. An unexpected increase in weight.

You may be having trouble losing weight as a result of your excessive calorie and simple carb intake. This is due to the fact that simple carbohydrates have a higher caloric density per unit of volume than complex carbohydrates.
2. A desire for sugar.

The effects of excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates that are quickly converted to glucose are similar to those of excessive consumption of sugar. Consuming a lot of carbohydrates will make you crave more sugar and other sweets. When you eat sugar, your brain releases dopamine, an addictive feel-good hormone that makes you crave more and more of it.
3. Constant fatigue and sluggishness.

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This is yet another symptom of consuming too many carbohydrates. Because glucose is absorbed and eliminated from the bloodstream quickly after a meal high in carbohydrates, this energy is only fleeting. You may experience constant weakness and exhaustion from eating too many carbohydrates, which may interfere with your daily activities.
4. Dehydration.

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Firstly If you consume too many carbohydrates, you might feel thirstier and end up drinking more water or other liquids. Because diets high in carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels and the body naturally eliminates excess glucose through urine, you need to urinate more frequently for the body to flush out glucose.
5. Gas and inconsistent digestion.

You could have digestive issues if you eat too many carbohydrates. The dietary fiber needed for healthy digestion and constipation avoidance is absent from the majority of carbohydrates. In addition to impairing digestion and raising the risk of constipation and other unpleasant side effects, a high-carb diet can be harmful in this way.

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Avoid These 4 Leading Cause of Low Sperm Many Men Are Ignoring Everyday



A normal sperm count should have about 15 million sperms per 1 millilitre semen but someone with low sperm count or oligospermia has a lesser number. Men usually do not care about their sperm count until it becomes difficult to have a child of their own and medical tests may show that you have fewer than the normal number of sperms....Read More

Even though there are natural causes, some habits which seem harmless and popular many men engage in could also cause this issue eg drugs or alcohol use and sitting for too long etc. You should desist from these habits for your own good. In this article, I’ll like enlighten you about causes of low sperm count many men ignore according to Mayo Clinic

  1. Drug use

Even after several warnings, many men still use anabolic steriods to stimulate muscle strength which have been researched to make the testicles shrink and reduce the production of sperm. The use of marijuana and cocaine also reduces sperm quality.

  1. Drinking alcohol

Drinking alcohol can lower your testosterone levels and cause decrease in sperm production. This is why you should take alcohol in moderation or not at all as a man dealing with low sperm count

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  1. Everyday habits

There are some everyday habits men engage in which takes a toll on their reproductive health. These habits includes wearing tight clothing, sitting for too long or using laptop computer for too long which increases the temperature of your scrotum and slightly reduces sperm production.

  1. Unnecessary stress
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Being overstressed especially due to infertility is not the way out of the problem, instead it will only worsen your condition by interfering with those hormones which are needed for production of sperms.

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Common Foods That Are Slowly Destroying Your Liver



When it comes to the liver, there are certain chemical compounds that, depending on the kinds of food we consume that include the chemical compounds, can either maintain the liver’s health or cause damage to it. These chemical compounds can be helpful or negative. The liver is responsible for a wide variety of bodily processes, so it’s important to be aware of common foods that might cause gradual liver damage. This can help you avoid ingesting too much of them or eating them too frequently....Read More

  1. According to WebMD, white bread is one food that has a very low level of fiber, and since fiber is required by the body in a high proportion to prevent sugar from moving fast into the circulation,

eating a food that is low in fiber will cause more sugar to get into the blood, and this will lead the body to release insulin in the necessary quantity to manage it, which will result in more fat being formed, and this may get stored up in the liver, which can progressively cause it to get damaged or harmed.

  1. Consuming fried and processed foods on a regular basis is not recommended because these foods include a high amount of unhealthy fats and an excessive amount of sodium, both of which can gradually or even slowly damage and impair the liver.
  2. When consuming any sort of sugary drink, you should be aware that these beverages are manufactured with added sugar in order to make them sweet. Despite this fact, you shouldn’t consider these beverages to be completely harmless to the body, as regular consumption of these beverages can also progressively cause damage to the liver, as they result in fats owing to high insulin levels, which lower sugar levels by converting them into fats, which can impact the liver when there is an excess of fat.

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If you blend these items and drink, Do you know you can last 2hours?



From my research, women are seriously complaining that their husbands, boyfriends are not lasting longer in bed and it is not funny to them. So men, if your wife, girlfriend is complaining to you because of this, then this article is for you. Let’s get started...Read More

Ingredients needed

Tigernuts, coconuts and dates(you can get them in the market)


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  1. Get tigernuts , coconuts and dates
  2. Wash them properly before you blend them(Preferably you can use dried tigernuts)

3.Blend them altogether

  1. Remove and transfer the mix solution unto a glass cup
  2. When you want to make love with your spouse or girlfriend, you can take it and your good to go
  3. You will be amazed by the results you will see . You will be able to go on for hours without fatigue .

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What Experts Says If You Notice White Spots Of Your Nails,



Leukonychia is a condition where white lines or dots appear on your finger or toenails. This is a very common issue and entirely harmless. Many healthy adults have these spots at some point in their lives, so developing them is likely not a sign of a serious medical condition. For some people, the white spots may appear as tiny dots speckled across the nail....Read More

For others, the white spots may be larger and stretch across the entire nail. The spots may affect one nail or several. The most common cause of leukonychia is injury to the nail bed. These injuries can occur if you pinch or strike your nail or finger. Frequent manicures and pedicures or the use of gel or acrylic nails can also damage nail beds. Several other causes may be responsible for the unusual spots on the nails.

Causes. White spots or dots on your nails are common. Several issues can cause them. Possible causes include:

allergic reaction

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fungal infection

nail injury

mineral deficiency

Allergic reaction

An allergy to a nail polish, gloss, hardener, or nail polish remover may cause white spots on your nails. The use of acrylic or gel nails can also badly damage your nails and may cause these white spots.

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Fungi called white superficial onychomycosis can appear on the toenails. The first sign of the infection may be a few small white dots on the nails. The infection can grow and spread to the nail bed. Toenails may appear flaky and then become thick and brittle.

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Injury to the nail. An injury at the base of your fingernail can cause white spots or dots on your nail as it grows. However, because of the time it takes for your fingernails to grow, you may not recall the injury. Some injuries won’t show up for four weeks or more.

Mineral deficiency. You may notice white spots or dots along your nails if you are deficient in certain minerals or vitamins. The deficiencies most commonly linked to this issue are zinc deficiency and calcium deficiency.

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Additional causes. Less common causes for white spots on nails include:

heart disease

bad health

renal (kidney) failure

psoriasis or eczema


arsenic poisoning

While these causes are possible, they are very rare. Your doctor will likely explore a host of other conditions if you have persistent white spots on your nails before considering these more serious issues.

Symptoms. White spots can appear in a variety of ways. They may look like: tiny pen-point–sized dots, larger “lines” across the nail, larger individual dots. The cause for the white spots on your nail may dictate how the spots appear. A nail injury may cause a large white dot in the middle of the nail. An allergic reaction may cause several dots all over the nail. The appearance of the white dots or lines may be different on each nail.

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Heart Failure: Avoid Too Much Intake Of These Three Things Protect Your Heart From Heart Failure



Heart failure is a serious medical condition where the heart’s ability to pump blood to meet the body’s needs is compromised. To protect against heart failure, it’s crucial to manage diet and lifestyle factors that can contribute to heart disease. Here are three key things to avoid excessive intake of to protect your heart: …....Read More

1. Salt (Sodium):

Excessive salt intake is strongly linked to high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart failure. When we consume too much salt, our bodies retain water to dilute the sodium..Read Full Story…>>

concentration in the bloodstream. This excess fluid puts a strain on the heart, leading to increased blood pressure and potentially contributing to heart failure over time. The American Heart Association recommends limiting sodium intake to no more than 2,300 milligrams per day, with an ideal limit of 1,500 milligrams for most adults, especially those at risk for heart disease.

Reducing salt intake involves more than just avoiding the salt shaker; it means being mindful of processed and restaurant foods that are often loaded with hidden sodium. Opting for fresh fruits and vegetables, choosing low-sodium options, and cooking at home with herbs and spices instead of salt can significantly help in managing sodium intake.

2. Saturated and Trans Fats:

Diets high in saturated and trans fats contribute to high cholesterol levels, another risk factor for heart disease and heart failure. Saturated fats are found in animal products like fatty meats, butter, and full-fat dairy, as well as in some plant oils like palm oil. Trans fats are primarily found in processed foods like fried foods, baked goods, and snack products.

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These fats raise LDL cholesterol levels (often referred to as “bad” cholesterol) in the blood, which can lead to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, narrowing them and increasing the risk of heart attack and heart failure. To protect your heart, it’s advisable to replace saturated fats with healthier unsaturated fats found in sources like olive oil, avocados, nuts, and fatty fish like salmon. Trans fats should be avoided altogether whenever possible.

3. Added Sugars:

Excessive consumption of added sugars has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, all of which increase the risk of heart failure. Sugary beverages like sodas and sweetened juices, as well as sweets, pastries, and many processed foods, contribute significant amounts of added sugars to the diet.

High sugar intake can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, inflammation, and high triglyceride levels, all of which strain the heart and increase the likelihood of heart disease progression. To reduce added sugars, focus on consuming whole fruits instead of sugary snacks, opt for water or unsweetened beverages, and read food labels to identify hidden sugars in products.

In conclusion, protecting your heart from heart failure involves making mindful choices about what you eat. By reducing intake of salt, saturated and trans fats, and added sugars, you can lower your risk factors for heart disease and promote overall heart health. Pairing these dietary changes with regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, and managing stress levels further enhances your heart’s resilience and reduces the likelihood of developing heart failure

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If Any Man is Over 40 Years Of Age, He Should Stay Away From These 4 Popular Foods To Maintain Good Health



As men age, maintaining good health becomes increasingly important. Once you hit the milestone of 40, your body undergoes several changes that can affect metabolism, muscle mass, and the overall functioning of your organs. Diet plays a crucial role in managing these changes and ensuring long- term health and well- being. Certain foods, while popular and often considered staples, can be detrimental to health if consumed in excess....Read More

Here are four foods that men over 40 should consider avoiding to maintain optimal health.
1. Processed Meats
Processed meats like bacon, sausages, and deli meats are common in many diets. However, these foods are often loaded with unhealthy fats, sodium, and preservatives such as nitrates and nitrites. Studies have linked the consumption of processed meats to an increased risk of heart disease, colorectal cancer, and type 2 diabetes. The high sodium content can also contribute to hypertension, a significant risk factor for heart disease and stroke, particularly in older men. Instead, opt for lean meats like chicken, turkey, or fish, and try to incorporate more plant- based proteins such as beans, lentils, and tofu into your diet.
2.Sugary Beverages
Sugary beverages, including sodas, sweetened teas, and energy drinks, are a major source of added sugars and empty calories. As metabolism slows with age, the body becomes less efficient at processing these excess sugars, which can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Moreover, the high fructose content in many of these drinks has been linked to insulin resistance and fatty liver disease. To maintain good health, it’ s best to stick to water, herbal teas, and beverages with no added sugars. If you need a bit of flavor, infusing water with slices of citrus fruits or berries is a great alternative.

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3. Refined Grains
Refined grains, such as white bread, white rice, and pasta, have been stripped of their fiber and nutrients during processing. This not only reduces their nutritional value but also causes them to be digested quickly, leading to spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels. Over time, this can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders. Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bread, and oats are better choices as they are richer in fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain steady blood sugar levels. Including a variety of whole grains in your diet can also help with weight management and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
4. Fried Foods
Navigating dietary choices becomes more critical as men age, particularly after 40. By being mindful of the foods consumed and opting for healthier alternatives, men can significantly improve their overall health and well- being. Cutting down on processed meats, sugary beverages, refined grains, and fried foods can reduce the risk of various health issues and support a healthier, more active lifestyle. It’ s never too late to make positive changes, and even small adjustments in your diet can have a profound impact on your health as you age… CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING

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4 Foods To Naturally Enhance Your Performance in Bed! Oysters, Dark Chocolate, Avocados, And Watermelon Can Boost Desire



A healthy libido is an important aspect of overall well- being and intimate relationships. While various factors affect sexual desire, diet plays a significant role. Certain foods can help enhance libido by improving blood flow, balancing hormones, and boosting energy levels. Here are four foods known to boost your libido:...Read More

Often hailed as a natural aphrodisiac, oysters are desire in both men and women. Additionally, oysters contain amino acids that trigger the release of sex hormones, further boosting libido.

Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is not only a delicious treat but also a potent libido booster. It contains phenylethylamine and serotonin, chemicals known to promote feelings of happiness and well- being. These mood- enhancing properties can help increase sexual desire. Moreover, dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, which improve blood flow and relax blood vessels, enhancing sexual function and pleasure.

Avocados are packed with essential nutrients that support sexual health. They are rich in healthy fats, vitamin E, and potassium, which are vital for maintaining hormone levels and energy production. The high levels of folic acid in avocados also help metabolize proteins, providing the energy necessary for sexual activity. Additionally, the vitamin B6 in avocados helps regulate hormone function, further enhancing libido.

Watermelon is a refreshing fruit that contains high levels of citrulline, an amino acid that helps relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. This effect is similar to how Viagra works, making watermelon a natural option for boosting libido. Enhanced blood flow is essential for arousal in both men and women, and regular consumption of watermelon can help improve sexual performance and desire.
Incorporating these libido- boosting foods into your diet can help enhance sexual desire and improve overall sexual health. Oysters, dark chocolate, avocados, and watermelon offer various nutrients that support hormone balance, blood flow, and energy levels. By enjoying a balanced diet rich in these foods, you can naturally boost your libido and enjoy a healthier, more satisfying intimate life.

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