Here’s What Happens to Your Body If You Eat Papaya Every Day

Papaya (Carica papaya) is a tropical American fruit that is green when unripe and light or deep yellow-orange with orange or red juicy flesh when ripe. Papayas are high in vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial substances....Read Full Article >>➤

Papaya has been used in folk medicine to treat several health concerns, including gastrointestinal (GI) and skin problems, and is an interest to the pharmaceutical industry for its potential health benefits.

Three of the main benefits of papaya are that it is:

High in nutrition
Low in cost
Potentially useful for disease care and prevention

Bioactive substances
Minerals (macro and micro)
Phytochemicals, such as enzymes (in the papaya’s latex), alkaloids (in leaves), phenolic compounds (in pulp and leaves), and carotenoid compounds and glucosinolates (in pulp and seeds)
Secondary metabolites

The alkaloids and flavonoids found in several parts of the plant have antimicrobial and medicinal properties. Papain, an enzyme found in papaya latex, is used in medicinal products for health problems such as skin rashes, kidney problems, digestive disorders, and certain infections such as ringworm.

Papaya pulp from ripe fruit may help with:

Clearing mucus/congestion from the airway
Prevention against conditions such as dystentery and skin conditions (like psoriasis and ringworm)
Relieving fluid buildup

Unripe papaya may help with:

Erectile dysfunction
Menstrual irregularities

Papaya juice may help with gastrointestinal disturbances, such as relieving colon infections and indigestion.
Papaya Benefits

ound in various parts of the papaya plant are being researched for their potential benefits in treating or preventing medical conditions such as:

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Cardiovascular diseases (from antioxidants in papaya)
Certain cancers (in combination with traditional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation)
Certain infections

The papaya is a tropical American fruit. Its benefits include being high in nutrition, low in cost, and potentially useful in treating or preventing some health conditions. Different parts of the papaya, such as the flesh, leaves, and latex, contain substances that may help with health concerns, like skin conditions, GI problems, and some infections. Research is underway on ways the substances found in papaya may be used along with traditional medicine for conditions like anemia and high cholesterol ...Read Full Article >>➤

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